Spring into a Slimmer Contour
- Posted on: Mar 15 2021
![istock 519618162](https://www.drwoodiecoleman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/istock-519618162.jpg)
Spring is always a time of hope. After the virus and everything else that hit us in 2020, hope is good.
But hoping those stubborn pockets of unwanted fat are going to go away with some dieting or targeted exercise probably isn’t going to work out so well.
Blame it on our prehistoric ancestors who never knew what their next meal would be or where it would come from. Their bodies held onto fat for the lean times when food was scarce. Sure, they didn’t have to worry about pockets of fat accumulating on their abdomen or under their chin. They were busy being chased about by saber-toothed tigers and the like.
Today, our quest for food requires little more than a trip to Central Market to pick out dinner. Someone didn’t tell our bodies, as they still store unwanted pockets of fat that are virtually impossible to get rid of. We all have these stubborn pockets of fat on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, bra line, even under the chin.
Liposuction with Dr. Coleman can suction away the fat for good, leaving you with a slimmer contour.
What is liposuction?
Everyone has heard of liposuction. It’s hard to believe that the procedure has been around in the U.S. for about 25 years. When the procedure was first introduced in the early 80s, coming over from France, it was a pretty violent procedure. Larger cannulas were used, and they had to be moved about under the skin quite aggressively to break loose the fat before suctioning it out. That’s why patients had to be under general anesthesia, and there was some serious tissue trauma and bruising that could linger for months afterwards.
Today, liposuction with Dr. Coleman is so much different. It’s now more effective and targeted, all while being far less invasive. The procedure is typically performed under sedation or “twilight” anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. For over 30 years, Dr. Coleman has been using the tumescent technique (which has become the norm over the past decade), where a saline solution containing lidocaine is first injected into the target areas to minimize the pain and firm the fat, making it easier to remove. The solution also contains epinephrine to constrict the blood vessels, limiting blood loss and bruising. A cannula is then inserted to suction out the fat and liquid. The cannulas used in modern liposuction are much smaller, so the corresponding incisions needed to access the fat pockets are very small, usually not even requiring stitches.
Where can liposuction be used?
A better question would be where can’t liposuction be used? Dr. Coleman uses liposuction to remove fat in the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, inner knees, chest, cheeks, chin, calves, and ankles.
Not for weight loss
Some patients assume they can simply suction away large quantities of fat, as a weight loss option. But liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. In fact, removing too much fat can actually be dangerous. Dr. Coleman prefers for his patients to be within 10 percent of their ideal body weight to qualify for the procedure.
Want a slimmer contour for this most hopeful of springs? Call Dr. Coleman at (210) 251-4362 and set up a consultation for liposuction.
Posted in: Liposuction